Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Change Syndrom

I usually don't like to write on these matters, because in democracy it is ultimatelty the 51% effect which plays the real game,and the time chicken, daru and money is in you are out. Last few months are full of questions not just for leaders but also for the so called public, who like to call itself innocent.

 As i use to say, "Good or Bad, our leaders are what we are" . Fedup of all those stupid comments by ministers, public figures and babas, we all(10% of population)  think that what the hell they are saying but trust me they are saying what 90% wants to say. We are in so called modern 21st century only till we didn't hurt ego of our society, which i must say don't like to accept any change.

Media, Govt., and people all are just saying same thing Rape, Rape, Rape. I even heard two 6 year children discussing these matters. So what is it a rise in society? no actually not beacuse if it use to be than their parents also have to communicate with them on these issues which in not happening even in 2% homes in country (Obviously i am not talking about Metro cities which are 10 or 20 out of more than 7000 cities/towns in India). I saw a map by National Crime Record Bureau, which was really astonishing our so called developed states are worst on moral ground and North East States, Goa, Daman & Deu and Paundachery are flying high, may i ask my dear fellow population why is it so ? Many reasons :

1. Are you guys ready to have a normal look to a pair sharing hug in public ? staring badly is allowed.
2. Is our society ready to abolish Caste system (at every level) ? who will clean meela.
3. Is our society ready to accept inter caste and love marriages ? Who will save family's nose.
4. Are you ready to accept Dowary free marriages ? Societies are having proper rate list.
5. Do we ever going to ask our childen, son first love someone ? Only Gods are allowed to do so.
6. and many more questions like this.

A Big Noooooooo by whole India except North East States, Goa, Daman & Deu and Paundachery where answers to these questions are Yes since starting of their culture. Saying we want justice is lot easier than implementing rules for justice, and till the time we are down with our moral we can never implement them.

The Solution is simple :
1. Either we need 100% population to have common sense, moral values, culture and faith.
2. A strong leader,really strong one.

We need teachers who can teach thier childern the difference between good and bad, their teaching must go beyond religons, caste, class, boundaries, gender and make everyone feel equal, but do we have such quality in our institutions.

We want bloody change but can't quit maa bahen ki galaliya or any kind of absuive language. we want change but the crowd on Govt. Liquor Shop is incresing day by day. we want change but can't stop pissing and peeping on road. we want change but still TOI is full of massage parlour ads. we want change, bloody keep the change.