Monday, June 2, 2014

Life : Love, Passion and Leave

Dear Earth,
Since last 23 years i am staying at you. You are amazing, kind, generous and making us all survive. You know how to keep balance of life and slaps us if we do anything wrong.

But why we are here ? i am asking this question to myself since last many years, nobody is able to help me out. Some name it, its God decision, some name it science of galaxy, some name it just a dream and few try to solve it through imaginations. You know what, every answer is perfect in itself but still its somehow like you answers floating somewhere without any base, with a power of unknown gravitation.
Might be possible one day i will come with a answer why we are here ? but today i am with answer what to do here :)

Life on you is all about Love, Passion and Leaving everything at a point of time.
If someone not follows this its that fellow wrong direction which he/she can blame it on God or term as order of God. (God i can tell you this is not a safe planet for you)

Love is more about life than about any single creature. When we love our parents, our neighbors (not just the girl/boy next door), our city, our environment, our culture, our neighbor's culture, beautiful colorful birds singing in our garden, mountains, seas, jungles the unseen life which is with us and for us everywhere.
We can feel it everywhere, and start doing what we love. In that case we can make justice to our self and specially to those who we love.
We must do what we love, and everything will love us back.

Passion, its the nest level of love. Passion is only possible when we do something we love, in any other case it is something next to impossible. Passion is all about positive vibes and can't be negative, if it is its aggression. Passion can't be more or less.

Passion is just getting lost in what you love.

Leaving is not last but the restart point of life, as we procure all resources from you and society. When we leave it with love it become a strength for us, but everyone is not able to do it. We have to leave everything with a smile so that nature and you can reprocess it every sense for us and we can you it again in every form. People don't want to leave and this is cause of their pain. Balance is cause of life and we can't brake it so if we can't than why not leave it with a smile.
Leaving is most higher form of love, not every one can understand it.

Its my present understanding of life, hope to learn more. Life is the best school with lots of experience, discoveries and divine. One day for sure i will learn why we are here :)

Your Part,
Himanshu Shekhar

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Change Syndrom

I usually don't like to write on these matters, because in democracy it is ultimatelty the 51% effect which plays the real game,and the time chicken, daru and money is in you are out. Last few months are full of questions not just for leaders but also for the so called public, who like to call itself innocent.

 As i use to say, "Good or Bad, our leaders are what we are" . Fedup of all those stupid comments by ministers, public figures and babas, we all(10% of population)  think that what the hell they are saying but trust me they are saying what 90% wants to say. We are in so called modern 21st century only till we didn't hurt ego of our society, which i must say don't like to accept any change.

Media, Govt., and people all are just saying same thing Rape, Rape, Rape. I even heard two 6 year children discussing these matters. So what is it a rise in society? no actually not beacuse if it use to be than their parents also have to communicate with them on these issues which in not happening even in 2% homes in country (Obviously i am not talking about Metro cities which are 10 or 20 out of more than 7000 cities/towns in India). I saw a map by National Crime Record Bureau, which was really astonishing our so called developed states are worst on moral ground and North East States, Goa, Daman & Deu and Paundachery are flying high, may i ask my dear fellow population why is it so ? Many reasons :

1. Are you guys ready to have a normal look to a pair sharing hug in public ? staring badly is allowed.
2. Is our society ready to abolish Caste system (at every level) ? who will clean meela.
3. Is our society ready to accept inter caste and love marriages ? Who will save family's nose.
4. Are you ready to accept Dowary free marriages ? Societies are having proper rate list.
5. Do we ever going to ask our childen, son first love someone ? Only Gods are allowed to do so.
6. and many more questions like this.

A Big Noooooooo by whole India except North East States, Goa, Daman & Deu and Paundachery where answers to these questions are Yes since starting of their culture. Saying we want justice is lot easier than implementing rules for justice, and till the time we are down with our moral we can never implement them.

The Solution is simple :
1. Either we need 100% population to have common sense, moral values, culture and faith.
2. A strong leader,really strong one.

We need teachers who can teach thier childern the difference between good and bad, their teaching must go beyond religons, caste, class, boundaries, gender and make everyone feel equal, but do we have such quality in our institutions.

We want bloody change but can't quit maa bahen ki galaliya or any kind of absuive language. we want change but the crowd on Govt. Liquor Shop is incresing day by day. we want change but can't stop pissing and peeping on road. we want change but still TOI is full of massage parlour ads. we want change, bloody keep the change.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Diwali Puja must not Harm Goddess Eart....!!

Celebrate an Environmentally Safe Diwali

Did you know that diyas lit on the moonless Diwali night signifies the end of darkness of ignorance and the beginning of light that enlightens all? Well, this Diwali enlighten yourself towards the hazards that boisterous celebrations of Diwali poses to our environment. 

This articles endeavours to sensitise the readers towards celebrating an environmentally safe Diwali by pointing out the major impacts that Diwali has on our environment. It is hoped that this articles will encourage you to celebrate a green Diwali, where there will be an explosion of joy without crackers! 

How to celebrate an Eco Sensitive Diwali?
Now, that you are interested in celebrating an Eco - Sensitive Diwali, the first thing that you need to do is to make yourself aware about the effects the traditional Diwali celebrations has on the Mother Nature. Given below are three major environmental impacts that Diwali Festival have on our environment.
  1. Air Pollution through Firecrackers
  2. Excessive Consumerism
  3. High Energy Consumption
1. Air Pollution through Firecrackers - "Say 'No' to Fire crackers and 'Yes' to life!" 
For most people lighting of firecrackers is the highlight of Diwali. Brighter the sparkles, louder the noise the greater the thrill!! In fact to many of us, these aesthetic forms of light seem so appropriate and most essential when celebrating the 'Festival of Lights'. 

But little do people realize that in our increasingly populated and polluted cities, the temporary joy of watching the firecrackers is soon replaced by the intense air pollution caused by these. The toxic substances used in the firecrackers release toxic gases that are harmful to the health of all living beings. The high level of noise generated by the crackers cause immense suffering to birds and animals. Besides, Diwali crackers are dreaded by the sick and the ailing. 

Sadly, few of us realise that the firecrackers used on Diwali are mostly made by very young children. Since the substances being handled are extremely toxic many of these child labourers get sick and die in their early teenage years. 

Harmful effects of Chemicals used in crackers
Let's do a little analysis of crackers and list out in actual terms the harmful effects posed by each of its chemicals. 

Irritation of respiratory tract
Anemia and damage to kidney
Affects the nervous system
Its dust and fumes cause metal fume fever
Reacts violently with moisture and can attack the skin.
Leads to vomiting
Could lead to mental impairment
Could lead to coma

Noise Pollution caused by Fire Crackers
Crackers that make a noise of more than 125 decibels at four metres distance from the point of bursting are banned by the law. Given here are the hazards posed by excessive noise pollution caused by crackers: 
  1. Hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attack and sleeping disturbances.
  2. Sudden exposure to loud noise could cause temporary deafness or permanent relative deafness.
2. Excessive Consumerism 
An indirect but equally significant impact of Diwali on nature is due to the increased consumption. Since Diwali is also a celebration of abundance and wealth - many people believe that it is a good time to buy. Often, people go out and buy new items even when they don't need them. Advertisements and hoardings scream out to people offerings sales extravaganzas, bargains, discounts encouraging us to buy more and more! 

How does this increased consumption affect Nature? 
A point to realize is that all man made items are made out of materials that come from Nature. Be it plastic, metal, paper or cloth - all of these raw materials come directly from nature. Those sources that are non renewable (cannot be grown back) such as fossil fuels and metal ores get depleted and will one day run out. Depletion of non renewable natural resources is one of the most significant impact of consumerism. 

For instance, the gold earrings that you will buy on Diwali is coming from a gold mine that is not only depleting the gold resources of the earth, but in the process of mining is probably ruining several ecosystems. 

A question to ponder at this stage is, where do all the things we throw away go finally? Solid waste created by human beings which is non biodegradable (does not easily decompose) has to be filled into holes dug up in the ground. These 'landfills' as they are called may exist for centuries without completely getting integrated into the soil. The plastic toys that you are throwing away today, may exist in a landfill several generations after yours! 

Five Principles of Nature conservation
To be able to conserve our natural environment it is important to keep in the following principles -
  1. Reduce : the amount of things we use
  2. Reuse : the things we have in different forms until we have absolutely no use for them
  3. Recycle : items that are no longer functional.
  4. Rethink: the choices we make when deciding to buy something and
  5. Refuse : things that we do not need at all.
So this Diwali, before you buy something new apply the above five principles and only then pay at the counter! 

3. High Energy Consumption
The festival of lights puts a considerably heavy load on electrical energy sources that are already overloaded. The use of electric lights to adorn homes, business establishments, monuments and roads requires a huge amount of electricity. The older tradition of burning oil lamps is a possible alternative to electric lights - even though it does use oil, the duration of the lamps is shorter. 

Eco sensitive Initiatives around Diwali
With the growing recognition of the impacts of Diwali on the environment, several groups have started to reinterpret the rituals and traditions to become more sensitive to nature. For instance, the children of NCL school, Pune celebrate a different Diwali by sharing clothes with the lesser privileged. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My City, My Kashipur

Kashipur was known as Govishan during the time of harsha (606-647 AD), when Yuan-Chwang (631-641 AD) visited this region. The ruins of the large settlement of those days are still to be seen near the city. Kashipur is named after Kashinath Adhikari, the founder of the township and one of the officers of the Chand rulers of Kumaon in the middle age.

Poet Shri Gumani Pant has written a poem on this town. Girital and Drona sagar are well known spots and are associated with the story of the Pandavas. The Chaiti mela is the best known fair of Kashipur. Today Kashipur is an important industrial township. In autumn (after mansoon) one can see the snowclad peaks of Trishul and its surroundings.

Drona Sagar is believed to be associated with Guru Dronacharya, the legendary warrior and teacher in the Mahabharata. This place was once very auspicious and revered as the last pilgrimage spot after the Gangotri, Yamunotri, Badrinath and Kedarnath Dhams. The ‘Skand Puran’ states that the water of this place is as holy as that of the sacred river Ganga.

Kashipur a tiny city in devbhoomi Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand is known as the home of gods all cities are blessed with natural beauty, culture is a heritage.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Support Anna Hazare

10 things to know about Anna Hazare and Jan Lok Pal Bill

1. Who is Anna Hazare? An ex-army man. Fought 1965 Indo-Pak War 2. What's so special about him? He built a village Ralegaon Siddhi in Ahamad Nagar district, Maharashtra 3. So what? This village is a self-sustained model village. Energy is produced in the village itself from solar power, biofuel and wind mills. In 1975, it used to be a poverty clad village. Now it is one of the richest village in India. It has become a model for self-sustained, eco-friendly & harmonic village. 4. Ok,...? This guy, Anna Hazare was awarded Padma Bhushan and is a known figure for his social activities. 5. Really, what is he fighting for? He is supporting a cause, the amendment of a law to curb corruption in India. 6. How that can be possible? He is advocating for a Bil, The Jan Lokpal Bill (The Citizen Ombudsman Bill), that will form an autonomous authority who will make politicians (ministers), beurocrats (IAS/IPS) accountable for their deeds. 8. It's an entirely new thing right..? In 1972, the bill was proposed by then Law minister Mr. Shanti Bhushan. Since then it has been neglected by the politicians and some are trying to change the bill to suit thier theft (corruption). 7. Oh.. He is going on a hunger strike for that whole thing of passing a Bill ! How can that be possible in such a short span of time? The first thing he is asking for is: the government should come forward and announce that the bill is going to be passed. Next, they make a joint committee to DRAFT the JAN LOKPAL BILL. 50% goverment participation and 50% public participation. Because you cant trust the government entirely for making such a bill which does not suit them. 8. Fine, What will happen when this bill is passed? A LokPal will be appointed at the centre. He will have an autonomous charge, say like the Election Commission of India. In each and every state, Lokayukta will be appointed. The job is to bring all alleged party to trial in case of corruptions within 1 year. Within 2 years, the guilty will be punished. Not like, Bofors scam or Bhopal Gas Tragedy case, that has been going for last 25 years without any result. 9. Is he alone? Whoelse is there in the fight with Anna Hazare? Baba Ramdev, Ex. IPS Kiran Bedi, Social Activist Swami Agnivesh, RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal and many more. Prominent personalities like Aamir Khan is supporting his cause. 10. Ok, got it. What can I do? At least we can spread the message. How? Putting status message, links, video, changing profile pics. At least we can support Anna Hazare and the cause for uprooting corruption from India. At least we can hope that his Hunger Strike does not go in vain. At least we can pray for his good health. Thanks for reading

Saturday, June 5, 2010

American Angle Of The World

The way America wants to dominate the world is really understandable, but still we have to understand if we want to beware. Now a days India is best emerging friend of America, all types of ties, contracts, agreements and many more things, but on the personal grounds i am unable to understand that why still this country is supporting our dear neighbor. Now this fact is known to the whole world that few elements are running terrorist centers for destruction but still all types of supports are provided to its army... why is this so..!!