Monday, June 2, 2014

Life : Love, Passion and Leave

Dear Earth,
Since last 23 years i am staying at you. You are amazing, kind, generous and making us all survive. You know how to keep balance of life and slaps us if we do anything wrong.

But why we are here ? i am asking this question to myself since last many years, nobody is able to help me out. Some name it, its God decision, some name it science of galaxy, some name it just a dream and few try to solve it through imaginations. You know what, every answer is perfect in itself but still its somehow like you answers floating somewhere without any base, with a power of unknown gravitation.
Might be possible one day i will come with a answer why we are here ? but today i am with answer what to do here :)

Life on you is all about Love, Passion and Leaving everything at a point of time.
If someone not follows this its that fellow wrong direction which he/she can blame it on God or term as order of God. (God i can tell you this is not a safe planet for you)

Love is more about life than about any single creature. When we love our parents, our neighbors (not just the girl/boy next door), our city, our environment, our culture, our neighbor's culture, beautiful colorful birds singing in our garden, mountains, seas, jungles the unseen life which is with us and for us everywhere.
We can feel it everywhere, and start doing what we love. In that case we can make justice to our self and specially to those who we love.
We must do what we love, and everything will love us back.

Passion, its the nest level of love. Passion is only possible when we do something we love, in any other case it is something next to impossible. Passion is all about positive vibes and can't be negative, if it is its aggression. Passion can't be more or less.

Passion is just getting lost in what you love.

Leaving is not last but the restart point of life, as we procure all resources from you and society. When we leave it with love it become a strength for us, but everyone is not able to do it. We have to leave everything with a smile so that nature and you can reprocess it every sense for us and we can you it again in every form. People don't want to leave and this is cause of their pain. Balance is cause of life and we can't brake it so if we can't than why not leave it with a smile.
Leaving is most higher form of love, not every one can understand it.

Its my present understanding of life, hope to learn more. Life is the best school with lots of experience, discoveries and divine. One day for sure i will learn why we are here :)

Your Part,
Himanshu Shekhar

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